第二部分 解题指导与能力训练(P137-210) 二.词汇与语法知识解题指导与能力训练(P142-158) 一) 词汇与语法知识解题指导(P142-145) 1. 解题步骤和技巧: 1) 大致浏览所给四个选项和句子,迅速判断该题是语法题还是词汇题。如果是语法题要通过一些标志词来判断该题涉及哪些语法内容。再进一步回想该语法内容的要点。如果是词汇题就要先看一下所给四个选项的词是否都认识。 2) 在第一遍的大致浏览过程中有些题很容易就可以选出肯定的答案,情况会因人而异,有的人会做的题多有的人会做的题少。然后再从头开始仔细看没有选出答案的题。遵循先语法后语义的原则解题。 3) 运用排除法:可采取语言排除、逻辑排除、语法排除或选择排除等方法。先排除掉较容易、较明显的错误选项,缩小范围,而后对剩余的选项进行比较分析,最后确定答案。 2. 做题时要注意以下几个方面: 1) 切忌见句子就翻译, 不明白句子意思就不会选择的现象。 2)在选定答案时要根据每题的实际情况进行综合的分析判断,采用一种或多种逻辑推理方式解题。 3) 对于进过分析判断得出的答案不要反复进行检查。要相信自己的直觉和判断,即使有机会也不要和别人核对答案。 3. 实战案例 |
1) I got to the cinema and saw that the film . A. already started B. had already started C. starts D. had been started 解析:B 听讲座录音 2) A good deal of money spent on books. A. have B. has C. have been D. has been 解析:D 听讲座录音 3) Three fourths of the homework today. A. has finished B. has been finished C. have finished D. have been finished 解析:B 听讲座录音 4) He ran off I could stop him. A. before B. after C. since D. when 解析:A 听讲座录音 5) Miss Wang looked after the old woman a whole year moved us all. A. That B. What C. When D. Why 解析:A 听讲座录音 6) I the paper after lunch. That’s one of the things I really enjoy. A. used to read B. am used to reading C. use to read D. used to reading 解析:B 听讲座录音 7) I am glad to look around your research center. A. to allow B. to be allowed C. having allowed D. being allowed 解析:B 听讲座录音 8) She hasn’t read the article, nor the essay. A. has written B. she has written C. writing D. has she written 解析:D 听讲座录音 9) How can you keep the machine when you’re away? A. run B. runs C. to run D. running 解析:D 听讲座录音 10) If he tomorrow, he will meet Mr. Wang. A. come B. comes C. will come D. coming. 解析:B 听讲座录音 |